12 July 2010

Why relationships fail...

Yes, I am being emotional this time. Not because my relationship is shaking. Of course not ;) This is because of this book I have been reading for days now. I have this book more than two years ago in a book sale and I have not touched it since then. And out of boredom at work, i brought this book with me and finally read it during my break. Its an old story of written by Danielle Steel and filmed around ten years ago but i was not able to see it or even had an idea of what the story was all about. But since I have read some Danielle Steel authored books and I find it good, I picked "Daddy".

Well, I am writing this blog not to praise the movie if it was done perfectly cinematic (I have not seen it, anyway) or the book amazingly composed. But a thought went across my mind: relationships fail because there is one person or both person in a relationship is just thinking about what will make them happy without thinking how the people around them would feel.

The story was about a mother that walked out from her family to give way to what she really wanted to do with her life. To make the long story short, the whole family was wrecked and devastated. And making it hard for Daddy to cope up. He was caught off-guard. He did not see this coming. It is really saddening that people sometimes are so aware that they are doing the wrong things to people they love so much, but because of "me-myself-and I" thinking, they become unreasonable. And do not even care about how it would impact on those that are involved.

This story is so common nowadays. If only people would find a way know that this is so against God's will, maybe they will do otherwise. If only people would know that it is not what we achieve in life that matters but how we live according to what God wants. Oh yes, if only.

I don't really know how to explain how I feel. All i know is,   "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD. Pro 19:14"

So wives and husbands, I hope we do our best to be considered "from God"

Want clear explanation about what message I want to say? Please watch the links below:

 Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

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