17 April 2011

Will God hear the Prayer of a Woman Facing an Abortion?

I saw this poem in one of my Facebook friend's posts. The title caught my attention  and so, I read it. Initially, I don't have the intention of putting the link here, but when I was halfway done, I realized I have to.

So, here is the poem that obligated me to compose this entry.

Prayer of a Woman Facing an Abortion

The choice has been made.
One of the hardest of my life.
Bless me as I go forth.
Help me to face the guilt I feel
so that I may not run from the truth.
Empower me to own the fear in my heart
that I may have compassion
for others who share my pain.
Bless all who support me
with the strength of their love.

People, most often than not, thinks that he is always doing the right decision, without him knowing that it will bring him to perdition. Bible is right, and it can never go wrong.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. 
Firstly, a human knows in his heart that he must not kill anyone and yet, will still commit such crime. God has placed commandments in each person's heart. So, even if he never had the chance to listen to the true God-sent preacher, he can recognize right from wrong. 
Romans 2:15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.

And God loved us all so much that He gave us freedom to choose, and even reminded us to pick the way going to Him in eternal life. But in this poem, it says that the choice has been made. Well, then its a wrong choice- abortion should never be an option.

Deutoronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.
But why is it that there are a lot of women committing abortion? Is it because they do not feel emotionally and financially responsible and ready enough to have children? Or can it be that, they are too self-centered that they want to take more care of themselves than look over a child? Is it  also possible that its an unwanted child from a forbidden relationship? Rape victim? Among all these reasons, nothing is good enough to justify aborting a child in his mother's womb. God is the only one who can give and take away life, and however which way He wish, He is God and His will, we follow and accept. 

Deuteronomy 32:39 Now see that I, even I, am He,And there is i kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand. no God besides Me...

I am a human- and I am a woman. So, I know how the feeling would be like if I will be in any of these female dilemmas, but  thanks be to God that I  was able to understand God's will and His loving kindness to us, humans. In everything, He has reasons. God is far more bigger than any problem we will encounter in this journey called life. God is good. He is just a prayer away and He will not forsake anyone who sincerely asks for His help. Even friends or parents, in some cases, may urge a confused gal to resort to abortion. One should not listen.God knows better than any parent ever lived. And, mind you- killing is to satan.

Psalms 103:8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

Lastly, there are things that God hates the most. and this includes abortion. So, why pray for guidance when you are about to commit abortion? its completely absurd.

Proverbs 6:17 There are six things the Lord hates,seven that are detestable to him haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. 

So, will God listen to this prayer? I dont think so. It is against His will and commandment.

Thanks be to God that I have learned all these from the only sensible preacher I have ever heard, Bro Eli Soriano. 

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Anonymous said...

I give this article 8 out of 10. I could have given this a 10 rating if only the author mentioned that abortions are allowed in certain circumstances, like if there are abnormal pregnancies and in situations where the life of the mother is already in danger.

Anonymous said...

still, i would recommend this blog to others

Anonymous said...

Good point.. its so true.