10 January 2011

Strangers Again...

 I am getting mellow-dramatic. Yes, you heard it right. This "antipatika" is now turning to be emotional. But this is not my story, luckily.

I was compelled to write this blog entry because I really feel something bad inside me. At one point, I want to speak to some loved-ones indirectly. Its really true that at certain points, people get tired of enduring differences. People get sick of dealing with the same old thing. People forgot that they have promised to God to stay together- through thick and thin; for better or for worse; in sickness and in health- until death do them part. They Did'nt know that God commanded them to do love each other until death separate them because God knows that human emotions is so unstable and at any moment, it may collapse, and then the two become strangers again. Well now, I am telling why He ask couples to love each other always, in whatever circumstance it may be under.

I dont want to dig on what had transpired between them. I just hope and pray that in soonest possible time, everything will fall into places again. With God's help. Sometimes, things shatter because God wanted to remind us that we might be forgetting Him. As part of human instinct, people keeps on worrying on how to earn money for the future to sustain the kids, the daily expenses and everything else. But not this earthly things, there is more beyond.

Thinking of the kids even makes me sad. at surface, we can see them happily playing but we dont know what is inside their hearts. It is foolish to say that having parents living separately is common nowadays. Warning: Listening to impertinent counselors will ruin you. Impertinent counsellors always got impertinent ideas. as such, God ask couples to endure, if someone ask couples to go different ways, that someone is being used by demon because opposing God's will is an idea from satan. Do not be deceived.

Always put God in the center. That is the key. That is the most i can say.

I Peter 3:7

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Ephesians 5:24-25 (KJV)

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it."

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