16 March 2011

MCGI: Getting Ready for Q1 2011 International Thanksgiving

 "God's Word will prevail. Obey him or not, He will prevail. Believe Him or not, He is God. You cannot add to Him, you cannot deduct anything from Him. He do not need us, we need Him... Whether we follow, whether we disobey, He will be like Himself forever... He will always be GOD... believe Him or not, He will not lost anything, but if we do not believe, we will lost everything..."  - Bro Eli Soriano
True, indeed. So on this coming 25-27th of March 2011, Members of Church of God International will again gather and offer Thanksgiving and praises to our God. In this light, hundred thousands members will rush to the ADD Convention Center in Pampanga, Philippines and in major coordinating centers worldwide,. They will not only be well-equipped with the things needed for the three day-event, but also have a prepared heart to absorb all the new wisdoms that will be opened through God's messengers of our time, Bro Eli Soriano and Bro Daniel Razon. And of course, excitement and delight  can be expected in each member's face amidst the physical discomforts that awaits. Aside from the prepared topics, Bro Eli will also impart additional knowledge during consultation time wherein members and non-members as well, will get an opportunity to ask him things concerning faith and other issues. 
And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.
 As what Bro Eli keeps on reminding the whole congregation, the best thing men can give to God is following His law and continuously give thanks to Him. Whatever men have in life- good things or seems-to-be-bad-things, God has given it to mankind for betterment. Nobody may know what it is, and it may also remain unknown, but it doesnt matter. He knows best, and no one can question it.  And because of these,  MCGI is giving thanks to God as frequent as doing a 3-day International Thanksgivng for four times a year, and weekly whole day Thanksgiving. MCGI is the only and first ever religious group that does thanksgiving this way.
I Tessalonica 5:18 -give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Acts 17:28 -For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring. 

11 March 2011

Household helpers: Never a lesser man...

I was touched with the importance and respect my American boss and his family is giving to their Filipina maid. Upon seeing them, I felt compelled to write something about househelps. I saw a lot of people that giving importance to their helpers, but sad to say that there are also some that are so cruel.         
 In this world we live in, there are really people who treat less fortunates as trashes. And these people acts like they are  human beings of higher class, then looking at poor people as lesser man. Well, elite, feeling-elite or just an elite-wannabe, its just the same. As long as they treat poor people so bad, it is really a prick in  the heart. I have seen a lot of people of this kind. And what's ironic is, they still see themselves as fair and just. But as what I've learned from bible through Bro Eli: there are things that people perceive as correct but in reality, they lead themselves to danger.

Proverbs 16:25
There are ways that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

I learned this from Bro Eli: you should not limit yourself on doing good to your loved ones, relatives or even close friends only because it is normal. God is asking us to jump out of that zone. He is asking us to do good to all.

Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially to them who are of the household of faith.

The most common prey I know are the househelps. In the Philippines, househelps are receiving salary ranging from P2,000.00 to P3,000.00 pesos maybe and an estimate of P10,000.00 if they work abroad. At this amount, some are thinking that these helpers are already their slaves. And they maybe even think that at this price, they can do whatever they want. Idont know why, but when I see people maltreating others, my selective memory stores it in my brain.Let me have some classic examples.

One of my friend's sister from abroad went back home for a vacation with her family. She asked the maid to wash her blouse that she bought on sale in Glorietta for, if I am not  mistaken,  P2,000.00. This poor maid washed the blouse but she accidentally stained it with dark-colored spots. To make this story short, this girl asked the maid to pay the blouse with her 1 month salary. But that $2,000.00 will cover her family's 30-days expenses in the province. So, sorry for the maid's family, no food for 30 days. Or maybe, any of her family  member cannot buy medicine and needs to wait for one more month. That's the life of poor.- hand-to-mouth. It is really heart-breaking. For sure she still has a lot of P2,000.00 to but a replacement for the stained blouse but she has chosen to make the maid suffer for a month. P2,000.00 for her is just a 1-hour  of working partime in abroad.

One more scenario that, until now, is clear on my memory: There is this 8-year-old child who was looking for some stuff in her big bag. Frustrated that she was, she turned to the helper and asked to look for whatever-it-is thing. Unfortunately, she cant also find it. Out of frustration, she hit the helper for more than five times in the face. Exactly on that moment, the mother came in, saw what was happening. Surprisingly- instead of asking what happened or telling her child to stop hitting the maid, she also scolded the poor helper. An 8-year-old child can already tell which is good and which is bad. But with this kind of mother that she has, she already had a mindset that maids are not worthy of respect. Take note: this child is always treating maids a slave and this story is only one of those "tragic moment" the maid had with this spoiled child. yes, spoiled. As in rotten. So there are two lessons here: First, be considerate to the needy; and next is teach children how to respect others. It all starts at home. There is no way parents can blame it on TV shows, or any other outside influences because it is at home she absorbs basic things in life. God respects people, so the more that we should be religious on respecting others, too regardless of their status in the society.

Psalm 138:6
Though the LORD [be] high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.

 There are even cases that is much worse than these just like the video below.

Maids are the ones making our daily loads ligher. They serves as our extension when we are away. They take care of our house, our children, all that we value at home. They are somehow part of our extended family, and most of all, they are human beings, too. God made them, too. So lets treat them right. And God's heart is more close to those less priveleged and oppressed. That is the reason why household helpers are never a lesser man.

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