14 March 2012

Bro. Eli Retweeted my Tweet

On this rainy Wednesday morning, I woke up feeling so heavy because I slept so late last night. And as part of my usual routine before getting out of bed: check phone for emails. And this one email in my inbox made me grin like a child who saw a box of lollies! A notification from Twitter telling that Bro. Eli retweeted my tweet. Hahaha. Yes, I know it is so absurdly childish and a bit shallow but it really placed a sweet smile on my face.

Kidding aside, I see something more important point on this. Bro Eli Soriano is the most sensible, loving, intelligent and considerate person I knew all my life. And I am pretty sure, he did retweet my tweet because it makes sense.

After few minutes of contemplation, I assessed myself. I know, and I admit that I am a bit careless and frivolous most of the time. And I am aware that I am sometimes offensive. So, starting today, got to make it a point that I say and do things more responsibly and sensibly. With God's help, I can do this.

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