25 February 2013

My Cactuses' Story

This is kinda boring entry, I know. But I will still post and share this anyway.

I bought two cute cactuses months ago and Mae's Instagram post was my inspiration. But then it ended there. I had them, then stationed them in the toilet (as Mae did) and then passed by them everyday.

These lovely plants are survivors. They lived inside the toilet for a half a year, more or less, but they had'nt been killed. I have no intention of killing them, of course. It is just that my subconscious (maybe) thinks that cactuses are immortals since they don't need to be watered and that they can sit inside the washroom forever without dying! Well, my subconscious mind was completely wrong. They need water (at some point), definitely needs light.Thus, bathroom must not be their dwelling place. However, I just didn't care much because in my eyes, they are completely fine.

I was thinking they were 100% fine but not until this morning. I accidentally elbowed one of my them and I did not have the barbed feeling at all! And as we all know, cactuses are prickly plants. Puzzled that I was, I looked closely and checked what was wrong. I was saddened to realize that the taller and greener one lost its small thorns on its edges. Luckily, the shorter and more-pricked one can still "prick you out" but the torns became a little bit softer. I got alarmed and started Google-ling some details. I'm afraid my cactuses were dying and I do not have any idea if I can still save them or will just die "naturally" in their respective little pots.

Now, my plants are (comfortably) sitting beside the window now. I hope they will still last for quite some more time. Honestly, I feel so guilty about this. I felt so irresponsible for not giving them  a few minutes everyday. 
As far as i know, succulent plants are very easy to keep and that is why I had them. Indeed, it is true. However, there are still important pointers that "plant lovers wannabes" need to know. Please watch the video below.