13 April 2010

Love of My Life...

April 12, 2000. Alabang town Center, 8:30pm, the first time we held hands. And After 10years, we still stick together- through thick and thin, better or for worse, sadness and happiness, laughter and tears (he laughs, I cry). He is one damn sticky person that i love to love for the rest of my life. i will never get tired holding this guy's hands.

How fast time flies. Ten years had passed and yet, we love each other more each day. And we are getting stronger everyday. On this story, I am thanking God again that He played the major role on our love story.

There is nothing really extraordinary about the story of us. We're just like any other couples around. We also have small fights, petty arguments and,-yes, truly- unsettled differences until now. That’s what made us normal. And this made us stick together more. Spice, as we may call it. For those who know us so well, they will laugh it off when we do argue. I always piss him off with my stubbornness and sarcastic smile and he makes my blood pressure go high with his hard-to-convince and no-reaction style when he doesn’t agree or he is not interested on what I say.

I've been through a failed relationship before i met  him and such experience was really traumatic for me. So, I constantly asked God to keep me away from that pain. I never wanted to feel it again. During that time that my heart was aching, i was always praying to God. I was praying that if in case He wants me to be with someone again, may He bless me with a guy that loves good things and is just on judging things. A guy who can withstand my peculiar character. Then Beybi came my way. And then the story began at that point.

But this is the best part of the story. One fine day, he asked me if I know Bro. Eli Soriano. During that time, i already knew Bro. Eli through my college friends who are now workers for MCGI, the group that Bro. Eli is leading. So, i said yes. Then he asked me to look for my friends and ask to help us on going to Apalit. The rest is history. On these ten years, the moment that Beybi lead me to our Lord is the highlight of us being together. See, i asked God to give me someone who does sound decisions only. Leading me God's congregation is not just a sound move, but wise and Godly. God gave me more than enough.

Up to this day, we still make every next day something to look forward to. “Us” is God’s work in progress. And on this thing, I may sound corny but I’ll say it anyway. Each day I wake  up  and I see him beside me, it reminds me of God’s love for he is the exact person I asked for in my prayers.

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