14 February 2010

Beautiful is Dissimilar from Flirt

”Iba ang maganda sa malandi”. (beautiful is dissimilar from flirt). This was straight from Kuya Daniel’s mouth during last Saturday’s thanksgiving to God. Kuya is again in his usual way of delivering meant jokes. He again reached our funny bones, Hahaha! He`was referring to those girls who wear unmodest clothes. He was highlighting on the difference of a lady really being beautiful, and a female who choose clothes for the purpose of just getting attention from men.

Kidding aside, this is really serious. Women these days are very much into wearing horribly revealing clothes. For the commandment of our creator –our GOD- this is a deliberate offense. Bible says in 1Timothy 2:9, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;”. . Hence, women species should be dressed up in reserved manner.

Let us get first into the root cause of why women wear revealing clothes. Forthrightly, the bottomline is, these women seek attention. I myself can attest to this because i belong to the female species and I once feel the same way. Women feel flattered when men look at them with lust. Sad but true. Im sure that there would be would be foolish feminines that wants to oppose and shield their side. Well, let me state their most probable defenses: 1) they just feel comfortable on such clothes, and 2) they just set in with the latest fashion. 3.) and some brutally frank gals will straightly say that they really wanted to be noticed by the opposite sex. On the third reason- well, I am expecting that many females out there will strongly disagree and might even have violent reactions. No matter how you explain and and how good you reason out, sorry but that is the truth and you cant shake it. Even the bible supports this reality. Let us read in Jeremias 4:30 “And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life. “

These clothes are already lusty in mannequins, what more if real woman wear this?

 One more thing, it is funny that some of those who wear lusty clothes are not even ready to have their sensitive body parts to be stared at! I remember one time, i was on a train ride. The sleeping girl sitting beside me was wearing a plunging neckline blouse.She was already very unconcious on how she is positioned. Her boobs was exposed and the man standing in front of her was silently staring! When she suddenly woke up, she got mad upon catching the man looking at her breasts. Though in reality, its 100% her fault, in my opinion. Why would she wear such cloth when she know for a fact that the shape of her boobs was so noticeable aside from the very low neckline of the blouse. Maybe, she got mad when she had this feeling that she was disrespected by the man.

Below is Cartooned Lara Croft of Tomb Raider

As what Bro. Eli is constantly  reminding us, men in nature have very wild imagination, and this simple but very careless and irresponsible act of females can cause serious costs. To add one more thing on this men’s “creative and cinematic” imagination, my friend brought another friend to our office. This guy was so jolly that he already get along with us so fast. He was once telling us that he is very fond of collecting pictures of sexy cartoon characters such as Lara Croft and others that i cant remember the names anymore. He was bragging to us that he posts it inside his bedroom because he was imagining before he sleep. Wow! I already consider it extreme. I am telling this only to emphasize that men are really like this. Seeing sexy ladies in compromising outfits-even in cartooned form!- can arouse the fancy of every man- and then, another sin starts. Rape cases, infidelity and even some crimes can be blamed to this. Why not save that for your husband. He is the only one who deserves (and has the right) to see your physical beauty. And for the singles, it is better to keep it reserved until such time that your dream guy comes along. You would probably make him proud that you are really kept for him. Of course men want their partners to look great, but looking great doesnt mean you have to show some skin. And one thing more, you also save those lustiful eyes and minds to commit sin. It is true that God has given mankind the gift of free-will but as being said in Romans 13:14, “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.”

Beautiful but not lusty
On the other hand, being looked upon is really a nice feeling. But let yourselves be admired and looked upon because God’s beauty manifests in you. The beauty from within is what counts. Written in 1Timothy 2:10, But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
Dont worry gals, you will not regret following what is right. God has reserved something very special for those that will abide His commandments. As He promised in Galatians 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Don't be mad. I tell these things because of love.
Just sharing my thoughts. To learn more on these, please see: http://esoriano.wordpress.com/2007/05/27/135/ . Bro Eli will definitely explain it deeper.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the courage to speak the truth, God bless you and the christian faith is about loving God and pursuing holiness, it is not about being relevant to the young people's culture, as our culture can be tainted with sin.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

yes.. hopefully i was able to enlighten those that dont follow this commandment.

Anonymous said...

hope to see more blogs of this kind from you..

Anonymous said...

don't you think you are treading dangerous grounds when posting what is or isn't appropriate. Sure you can state your opinion but you should also clarify that this is purely based on your own tastes and interpretation of what is acceptable. Other seriously devout christian groups believe women should only dress in black. Still others believe women should only wear hand made dresses and never be allowed to wear pants....wearing shorts? Forget about it. It wouldn't matter if you lived in a tropical country or not if you are a woman.

You see the problem here right?

Unknown said...

to a person like you which is not guided by God's words, its acceptable. But for those who know how to discern right from wrong, they will understand. and those who have clear minds will understand that it is clearly commanded by God for ladies be dressed appropriately.

Anonymous said...

If the Word says modest apparel then obey..don't think just obey it's for your own good.. ^_^