20 February 2010

True Christians Do Not Smoke

God’s Warning: Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health..... and to your SOUL.

Campaigns regarding the negative effects of cigarette smoking to the human body are found in all forms of advertisement; whether it be in broadsheet, magazines, televisions, radios, and posters. Ironically, even the cigarette pack itself reminds people that it is so hazardous to health. Cigarettes devastate your looks, your health, and your funds. Do not be blinded by the deceit of the pleasures you are experiencing from smoking and stop defending it. It is interesting to note that even the Bible categorically commands us to do so: 1John 2:16,” For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” Anything that harms men is from the devil, so do not give way to devil to harm you.

But i just wonder why there are still those that do not quit smoking. So what is it really that keeps people stuck? I researched on the main reasons while people smoke and i have found only 3 reasons when you sum it all up: First, they find repose on smoking. They feel relieved from stress and other negative feelings. Second, they are simple addicted to cigarette; they always desire this “poison stick” and always got the feeling that they should satisfy their craving. Lastly, they do not have the spirit of willpower to actually give up smoking.

Have you ever read articles that discusses advantages of smoking? On this regard, some may answer yes and these adavantages are: first it serves as stress-reliever. Second, gives something to do in awkward moments. Third, good social booster in some instances. Anything more? Well, never mind telling. All are shallow reasons, and all are unacceptable and justifiable. If a person feels stressed, pressured, down, troubled and sad, the best way is PRAY rather than sit somewhere and smoke. As it is being said in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Smoking is one way of softly killing the body that God has given to men. Cigarette smoke is a poison composed of more or less 4000 chemicals that, when brought inside the body will swiftly attack the internal organs and will weaken the immune system. The most lethal among these toxins are nicotine, formaldehyde (used for preserving dead bodies), benzene (pesticide ingredient), heavy metals like arsenic (used to poison rat), cadmium (used in batteries). Well, no need to complete the list. These chemicals alone are already enough to kill a man. According to Leviticus 19:28 , “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” If God do not allow men to cut His skin, what more to destroy your internal system? Smoking is a doing of man who has no understanding of wisdom from God.


The human body is not intended for anything else. It is meant to be used for the likings of God. It is even written that a Christian’s body is a home of God, From 1 Corrinthians 3;16 we can read, “ Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” How can you expect God to dwell in you if you are not taking care of yourself? If you know that it’s God’s house, then you should take care of it. You keep your own home clean because you and your loved ones inhabit it, right? Similarly, you must clean yourself for God to occupy “YOU”. Don’t expect God to take care of you if you don’t take care of yourself.

Also, being a smoker makes a human not a loving, father/mother, brother, sister, friend. Why? Because he endangers his so-called loved ones with second hand smoke. Compared to first hand smoke, exposure to secondhand smoke is as harmful as actual smoking. Exposure to secondhand smoke has also been shown to increase the risk of developing lung cancer and nasal cancer and even heart disease. In addition, asthma, ear infections, and sudden infant death syndrome have been linked to secondhand smoke, too. And one more, it contain compounds as class A carcinogens. Carcinogen is the term used for cancer-causing chemicals. If a smoker is not concern about the well-being of his family, this is what the bible say about him, in 1Timothy 5:8 “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”
                                     Happy, healthy family

Following God’s words is not hard for those that Love God. And besides, all God’s commandments are for the merit of those that will obey Him. As Romans 7:12 says, "Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good." if a person will not smoke, it is advantageous on his part. He will be spared on all the bad effects that smoking can give.


And, let us always remember that God did not make things hard for men, He made everything for the benefit of men because He loves us so much. 1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.” Accepting God's commandments will only be grievous if a person is not really a follower. Saying is one thing but doing is another thing. So, be a Christian in deed.
Let us practice Christian living, do not exercise doing non-sense things like smoking!


UNTV Taiwan said...

Very well said.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am not a smoker (nor a christian)but I must ask you what is the difference between tobacco and other things that are found to be harmful to your body? What about red meat? Or salt, or sugar? If you feed your child this should you also not be considered a "true blooded Christian"? Please explain the difference...cheers

Anonymous said...

dear Anonymous, (not a smoker).
Salt is not harmful unless consumed in excessive amounts,
Smoking on the other hand whether it be consumed in excessive or little amounts is very bad for the body. therefore knowing that smoking is bad, yet you still do it, thats what separates you from being a Christian.

there is a big difference between salt and tobacco, because salt has some benefits, but tobacco does'nt.


Anonymous said...

smoking is not what sets me apart from being a christian. My lack of belief is what sets me apart. I certainly have no use for tobacco. I don't allow it in my house or if it is around me I move. However, to play devil's advocate here tobacco in low dosages does have a benefit in preventing blood clotting. There are may be more but you can do your own search.

The real issue here is not tobacco but the use of the bible here to make such a claim. Thus in my book if you put anything negative in your body (which is practically everything we eat) then you can be judged by the same standard. It's quite arrogant really. Who are you or anyone to say that they are not a "real" christian if they believe in Jesus? I think it's offensive to those people and thank god I am not one myself (christian or smoker)...peace

Anonymous said...

I am sorry this should have read more like, "who is anyone to say that someone else is not a true blooded christian if they are smokers". To me a christian mainly believes in two things; Jesus born to a virgin mother and Jesus arrose from the dead. If they truly believe that then they should be classified as true blooded christians.

The problem is that people who read the bible find it too easy to separate themselves from each other.

thought weaver said...

Hi, Anonymous who lacks faith in Christ.Thank you so much for visiting my blogsite.
Anyway, let me clear to you that smoking is only one of those that true blooded Christians do not do. :)

Anyway, let me answer your questions. First, let me discuss about blood clotting.
Before i proceeded answering your comment, i researched first as you have requested.I was not able to find anything article about tobacco being good for blood clotting if taken in small dosages. Instead, this is what i have found. ” Nicotine may also cause sweating, nausea, and diarrhea. Nicotine elevates the blood level of glucose (blood sugar) and increases insulin production. Nicotine also tends to enhance platelet aggregation, which may lead to blood clots.´”
and one more thing, granting that if taken in small dosage it will be beneficial for the heart. What about the other poisons it carry? So, still not good, right? Just resort on using other medicine that is safe.

Pls check this links:


By the way, since you said it is beneficial if not taken excessively, Can you share the article so all who can read this will benefit. I will highly appreciate it.

Then, about Bible and about the book you are telling. Then, it’s very good that your book conforms to the Bible standards. It only proves that bible is authentically from God. God said it first before men discovered such.

On being a true Christian, sorry but that is the truth. Anyone cannot claim that they are Christian if they do not follow the commandments of the Lord in the bible. As being said in JOHN 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Bible is the guide book of Christians. Therefore, if anyone is wilfully doing anything contrary on the commandments, is definitely a fake Christian. You were telling that, being true-blooded Christian is simply those who believe that He was born of virgin Mary, and arose from dead, is merely your opinion. Prove to me that it is as simple as that. It is written in the bible that if anyone is disobedient to Him, he is not of God, see John 12:48 JOHN 12:48
He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day."

Then on your last argument, that the problem with bible readers is that they easily separate themselves from each other. Well, for us we do not separate ourselves from others. We just have the purpose of let everyone be known of the real meaning of words of God in the bible. Anyway, i will be writing separate blog on this. Hope you read it so we can discuss more on this.

Anonymous said...

it took me all of one second to find a link that supports some benefits of tobacco use: http://www.tobaccoinaustralia.org.au/chapter-3-health-effects/3-28-health-benefits-of-smoking-

the one mentioned about blood clotting was: http://www.oohoi.com/natural%20remedy/everyday_food/Benefits-of-Tobacco.htm

Now as mentioned before I am not a proponent of tobacco use in any way...it's far worse for you then good plus it's so hard to break... but argument falls flat on its face based on your claim (some benefits to salt, sugar none with tobacco). Basically, I think you need another angle to state why tobacco is so ungodly.

Obviously, I think the real issue is that you use the bible as your guideline here which I think is a mistake when we talk about a scientific or medical issue. I would much rather trust researched information then a book that was written by desert men well before modern science and had no way of understanding the things that we do today. We are the lucky ones to live in a time today where we have all this information in front of us now. That is no thanks to the bible I am sorry to say.

Anonymous said...

oh btw you should know there are groups that think you aren't a true blooded christian. I can speak from experience. My sister's family is mennonite and they would think say you are not living your life the way god had intended. Even older order mennonites then the one my sister belongs to would say that they aren't living a simple enough life either. I mean just the shear fact that one may drive and automobile or use a computer or any other modern convenience out there is kind of contrary to god's will....

I feel sorry for people who live their lives this way, I really do because this life, right here and now, is precious and it's all we know for sure....

Juan Dela Costa said...

hi there folks :)

in my humble opinion, a righteous person should not smoke. smoking cannot be compared with eating salt nor red meat. moderate consumption of salt and red meat actually is good for the body plus drinking plenty of water it helps replenish your system.

wherein smoking is addictive. never say that you will smoke moderately, some of the people I know already died having that idea :)

it contains harmful chemicals which not only affects the smoker but the people around him. it can be his beloved wife and children or friends. read this: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/PED_10_2X_Secondhand_Smoke-Clean_Indoor_Air.asp

try going to a 1st class city such as singapore and observed the items in a convenient store or grocery. the singapore government requires cigarette manufacturers to put disturbing cancer picture to their product because its actually true. you wont see that in a pack of salt or red meat.
to those who still oppose “cigarette is bad”, well you are old enough to take your stand.

as for being a Christian, of course real Christians DON’T SMOKE. we love our family and we take good care of our body. I don’t need to put bible verses on that.

Anonymous said...

I am from Singapore and I agree smoking is bad for health, increasing the risk of lung cancer. But whether a person is truly a christian depends on whether he or she places his/her faith in Jesus Christ alone as Savior. There a great christian, like Charles Spurgeon, who smoke cigar, perhaps he was not aware of the health hazard. So cannot say all who smoke are not true christian.
A christian should not smoke as it is bad for health and may stumble other christians. But christians should not indulge in food and buffet, and many other things also, anything can be an addiction.

Anonymous said...

From that Book of Bible that you mentioned, if I may include the read one verse up, it also states that:

1 John 5 (King James Version)

2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.

By keeping these also in mind, aside from loving God, we should also keep the commandments of God for the sake of his children.

Galatians 5:14 NIV
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

James 2:8 NIV
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.