26 October 2010

Got it, at last!

I have been searching for lyrics and MP4 copy of this song. At last, I got it.. And now, I will let them memorize this for the upcoming International Thanksgiving on December. Better start practice this early so the preparation would be better... This is one of my favorites (Is it obvious?)

I played this song for hours and I am again recharged. TGBTG! Singing songs of praises for Him is my energizer eversince. Even if I got the worst voice in the group, I dont care. Eat your hearts out.

Til next post, guys..

18 October 2010

El nino is on!

Yes, EL NINO is on! It's on on you, my blogsite! Sad but true.

But hey! Dont worry weavedthoughts, just wait a little more time and I will again put entries for you. I already started a few but, you know, I am still half way on each topic. Nevertheless, I will definitely finish all those pending works for you. Hopefully, until next week.

Know what, I have been so disturbed lately. Well, its about things that really should'nt bother me at all. I am here not just to earn money but for "you-know-what". it blocks me still on what I have to accomplish- which is the most important of all. These blockers are also the reasons why I dont talk to you often for the last months. For your info, Its not only you that I have neglected, there are also some duties that I was not able to give a little attention, at least. These blockers came for reasons that I cannot anymore put across this entry, I will just whispher to you later if you promise that you can keep a secret.(LOL). This evil Satan is surely reading what I am writing now and he should'nt know what I have in my mind.

Since I was baptized, I have not experienced anything that affected and disturbed me and my duty so much, not until these things came. This time its different. But dont worry, friend. I am still ok. A prayer is enough to comfort myself. I am praying so hard that God may help and direct me to the best decision I need to execute. I know, He will hear me.

11 October 2010

I donated blood today! (10-10-10)

Yes, you heard it right! I have given off one pint of blood today. After several times of attempting to donate blood, at last, this time I finally qualified- and I am so glad.

So here's what happened on my first time: While i was lying there, I got annoyed waiting for the attendant to check whether on which arm she'll take blood. Why will I not get annoyed, she checked on my veins not once but maybe almost five times! I also got a bit confused and nervous because the two guys behind me in the queue was already done and they are still checking on me! According to the attendant, my veins are too small so they really need to check very carefully. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore now. When she finally injected the needle, luckily, it was successful at first try.

Actually, I was a bit scared, too. But as what i always do in circumstances that makes my heart beat 100x faster than the normal rate, I thought about something else to divert my attention. Since the Blood Donation Drive was one of the activities for our TV program's anniversary, I thought about how the program will run  later since the last time we had this kind of activity was a big blast, it was pretty cool and enjoy! Hmm, well guys that is another story I will tell on my next blog.I am just sharing what i have thought so I wont have a faint heart as they draw blood from me.

Kidding aside, the reason why I am so eager to donate blood is mainly because, my preachers have taught me to do so. Giving blood will save lives. More so, I am not rich. donating blood is a no-cash-out act of extending assistance to others in need. It made me realized too, that as long as a person wants to help, there will surely be a way.

In the midst of my less sleep-and-not-so-stress-free life, just a tablet of GNC mega women a day will be great help so I can be a donor again. I promise myself that I will treat again my soul with this good deed after a three months, God willing.

So long, guys!