14 February 2011

Happy birthday, Weavedthoughts!

It all started with an invitation from a brethren. As part of our church work, he asked me if I want to try blogging. Though I dont actually have the talent, I gave blogging a chance. And exactly today, 14 February, Weavedthoughts is celebrating its first year as blogsite. I know, I am just a wannabe but with God's help I believe I can write something that is somehow worthwhile. From this day beyond, hopefully God would allow me to write about things that coincide with all the learnings and wisdoms Bro. Eli and Kuya has Daniel thaught us. I admit that on its first year, my moods were swinging up and down. And it is not good. So, from this day onwards, I will double my prayer that God may give me stronger drive to keep me going. Writing is not my forte. I am just an ordinary person walking to and fro on the streets everyday. I am just an ordinary employee doing a job that a talented or brilliant person would not take. I am an empty vessel that has no worth at all but I thank God for this work that I love doing. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable wonders. 

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The Old Path (Ang Dating Daan): History of Broadcasting Success

It all started from very humble beginning. Bro. Eli Soriano initiallly did preaching in the Northern part of Philippines by doing simultaneous Bible studies from one town to another. Bro Daniel Razon who was still a young boy then was already helping him. After quite sometime of going rounds from town to town, they realized that they will not finish their mission if they will not look for a way on how they can do it faster. They were so worried then about  their fellow coutrymen being deceived by false preachers and fall victim of their baseless doctrines.

With all these worries and concerns on their minds, Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) radio program was born. In 1980, The Old Path program was first aired over a local radio station, DWWA. It was also later aired at different local radio stations like DZME, DWAD, DZRD, DWAN, and DZXQ, aside from other provincial radio stationsall over the Philippines.One month after,  his popularity spread like wildfire that Don Manolo Fabis of "This is Manolo and his Genius Family" noticed his prowess when it comes to Bible matters. After that, he became a regular part of the panel discussion that lasts for 3hours. Bro Eli made the once lame discussion become interesting because of his credible replies.

In 1984, they intensify the campaign, inspreading the Word of God,  they took a great big leap by invading the local television via IBC 13. In its first weeks, viewership had sore high that enemies were shaken and alarmed. Doing the tapings were not easy. Each broadcast was painstakingly challenging for them to produce. Without sufficient money to buy broadcast equipment, all they did is improvising whatever resources they've got on hand. And take  note: there were only three of them doing the whole task: Bro Daniel as the program director, cameraman, lightman, and editor. Sis. Luz Cruz as the executive producer, researcher, set decorator, and even as make-up artist. Bro Eli was of course the Speaker. With inferior equipment comes inferior production output, too. All unusual sound like humming of bird, dog barks and even the annoying sound that  lizards produce was captured during taping because they  used condenser for recording the voice instead of microphones. At one time, they thought the whole segment was finished only to realize in the end that all were not recorded and they need to do it all over again. The show was stopped for a while and  a short time after airing again, it was asked to stop by detractors to be aired, obviously using their connections to harrass TOP. But can anybody stop God? The Old Path found a new home- RJTV29. After such, it moved to PTV4, then SBN21 and at present, it is continuously growing under the roof of UNTV37.

Then one big turn around of of events came to him and TOP members. A hopeless steward of lie along with other enemies conived and filed a fabricated rape case against Bro Eli. No choice left for him so he flew to a foreign land as his life might be in danger and things may worsen if brethrens fight for him in violent way. This was a sure blessing in disguise. By the bad deeds of oppressors, Bro Eli was able to start preaching people in far away places.  These enemies were used by God to driive Bro Eli away who by that time was so hessitant to leave. A big door for bigger mission was opened for these two men,. At present, broadcasts in different countries has started. To mention some, The Old Path is now in the airwaves of North America, India, Papua New Guinea, Africa, Portugal, Bolivia, Argentina and Uruguay and Bro Daniel is still working out on few more that is yet to start.

Aside from TV and Radio, all means of propagating via internet were explored- Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and live webcasts via Justin TV.  Many none-Filipinos were so thankful that they were able to know Bro Eli Soriano. Through him, their eyes were opened. Even long time preachers from various religious groups were amazed By bro Eli.

There are still lots of places that TOP has not reach yet. With God's help and mercy, all these will be possible with these two great men, Bro Eli Soriano and Bro Daniel Razon.

Thanks be to God for He gave these two men to us all...


10 February 2011

What movie to blog about. Anyone?

I have been thinking always of what to blog about. My blogsite which I promised to constantly fill with new entries remained the same- an article or two each month. That is so bad. Just to let you kow, guys. I always attempt to put on entries, but when I start to do it my brain just stops by itself. No ideas flows out of my hypothalamus and its really depressing.  Then suddenly it popped up on my mind just now, that if I want to write something I have to got a good idea and proper motivation. Also, I need to have something to give an idea- a stimulant should I say. 

With all these in mind,  I have to source out ideas on something that my better-half and I can do together since he has been long complaining of me facing my laptop all the time. Then VOILA, good wind blew to my ears- what he loves doing to chillax is watch movies! So we better watch movie together, he watch to relax and I watch to pick up some ideas.

So starting now- God willing- I will start to do movie reviews may it be old or new flick. Hhhmmm... Not movie review- lets call it a reflection. I will try to incorporate the story with what I have learned from my God-sent Preachers, Bro Eli and Kuya Daniel. I will be also be thankful if you guys and gals would suggest any film that you think will make a flick to discuss.

So long guys! God willing, I hope this idea will work for me.

09 February 2011

Why suicide is not an option...

Taking away ones life will never be acceptable to God. He gave it to us, it is only Him that can take it away. (Deu 32:39 See now that I, even I am he, and there is no god with me: I make and I make alive. I wound and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.) 

 All humans undergo different struggles in life, may a person be rich, average or poor. And no matter what burden the world may bring in front of our doorsteps, suicide is not the answer to end the problem. And who among us got no problem, anyway? If we have troubles in our hearts that a friend, a relative or whomsoever cannot help us come up with a suffice solution- the most powerful thing to do is kneel down and tell Him all our troubles. If we have done something bad, and that bad thing lead us to such agony, repent and correct what we have done wrong. Taking away our own lives is an add on in the list of our sins. God is so merciful and He forgives those who are sincerely remorsing. (Psalms 103:8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.)

If God is with us, suicide will never be a choice. A man with God is always at peace. People commit suicide if there is no more in their hearts. But how can a man be hopeless if He walks with God? He will never anyone who entrusts everything to Him. Life here on earth is really full of heartaches and struggles. So, the best thing we can do is make the most out of it. Our main objective should be focused on not how we can give good lives to our children but on how we can guide them to Him. Not on acquiring properties or any forms of material things for extravagance, but on how to use these things to help other people know God. When Christ, was here on earth, He also suffered from hardships, He should be our example when hardships, temptations and problems come our way. (John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you,  that in Me ye might have peace. In the the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.) 

 God has promised an eternal life for those that will surpass all the trials here on earth. He permits troubles and problems come our way  in this life to strengthen our faith and endurance. Once we endure, He has reserved something for us: Happiness in that which is to come. (I Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nether have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.) Let us all bear in our minds that we are all passing by in this place called earth. There is an eternal life after our lives here end. And once it starts, it will never end. Meaning, investments here on earth are temporal. Its up for us to choose whether we want unending agony, or unending happiness. Feel free to take your pick. The choice will always be ours!

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