14 February 2011

Happy birthday, Weavedthoughts!

It all started with an invitation from a brethren. As part of our church work, he asked me if I want to try blogging. Though I dont actually have the talent, I gave blogging a chance. And exactly today, 14 February, Weavedthoughts is celebrating its first year as blogsite. I know, I am just a wannabe but with God's help I believe I can write something that is somehow worthwhile. From this day beyond, hopefully God would allow me to write about things that coincide with all the learnings and wisdoms Bro. Eli and Kuya has Daniel thaught us. I admit that on its first year, my moods were swinging up and down. And it is not good. So, from this day onwards, I will double my prayer that God may give me stronger drive to keep me going. Writing is not my forte. I am just an ordinary person walking to and fro on the streets everyday. I am just an ordinary employee doing a job that a talented or brilliant person would not take. I am an empty vessel that has no worth at all but I thank God for this work that I love doing. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable wonders. 

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