10 February 2011

What movie to blog about. Anyone?

I have been thinking always of what to blog about. My blogsite which I promised to constantly fill with new entries remained the same- an article or two each month. That is so bad. Just to let you kow, guys. I always attempt to put on entries, but when I start to do it my brain just stops by itself. No ideas flows out of my hypothalamus and its really depressing.  Then suddenly it popped up on my mind just now, that if I want to write something I have to got a good idea and proper motivation. Also, I need to have something to give an idea- a stimulant should I say. 

With all these in mind,  I have to source out ideas on something that my better-half and I can do together since he has been long complaining of me facing my laptop all the time. Then VOILA, good wind blew to my ears- what he loves doing to chillax is watch movies! So we better watch movie together, he watch to relax and I watch to pick up some ideas.

So starting now- God willing- I will start to do movie reviews may it be old or new flick. Hhhmmm... Not movie review- lets call it a reflection. I will try to incorporate the story with what I have learned from my God-sent Preachers, Bro Eli and Kuya Daniel. I will be also be thankful if you guys and gals would suggest any film that you think will make a flick to discuss.

So long guys! God willing, I hope this idea will work for me.

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