22 October 2011

Goodbye, Sweet Yue Yue...

Days ago, the world was shocked and enraged at the same time by this brutal incident. I first saw a caption about this video captured by a CCTV camera in Gaungzhou, China in Facebook. I watched the first few seconds but  on the part when the child was already hit by the car, I can't merely stand watching the full film. I can't help but cry.  It was heartbreaking. For me, those people that saw the child but did not do anything to help, they are more than heartless.  Sorry, but that is the best word that I know will suit them.  The only person who dared to help the little kid was even accused of being publicity-looking old lady. Ridiculous.

Chen Xianmei, a helpful -old woman  was the only one who helped the 2-yr old kid.
Until now, I am astonished on the behavior that the passers-by have shown. The way they responded to the situation did not even show a slight shadow of concern. It was so unusual. I do not know what's in them but there is one thing I have learned from the bible and I strongly believe that it is guarateed true: by nature, all human beings are equipped with God's words. It is written in the heart of each one of us. It is just up to us whether we follow our conscience or not.

Romans 2:15 
They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.  

But it is not yet the end of the line. God is forgiving more than anyone else. he will surely be glad to accept those who will turn their backs from evil and decide to walk on the path He wanted us to take.  God has the power to enlighten people's minds. I hope and pray that God may see some beauty in their hearts and give them chance change before it is too late. 

Deutoronomy 30:19 
 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. 
The struggling toddler, Yue Yue..
Now, the toddler is dead due to internal organs failure. The kid managed to fight but God has taken back   the little child's life now. For Yue Yue, thanks be to God for the world have known you. Though it was in a tragic way, at least, you have left a mark and story that everybody will learn something from. You are indeed beautiful and God will bring you in heaven when it is the proper time already. That is for sure. Among with others who died as kids and babies, You are lucky.

Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, 
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Related links:

What is the true meaning of life?
Will God hear the Prayer of a Woman Facing an Abortion? 

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