21 February 2014

That Amazing "Isang Araw" (The Singapore Premiere)

(It's been days and I still keep watching the last weekend's event in my brain on a replay for a thousand times now. Up to this writing,  am overly happy/ excited/ amazed/thilled/ delighted/ amused/ starstrucked/ ecstatic/ elated/ gleeful/ gratified/ joyed/ thankful/ pleased.  whew! That Sunday was a blast. On that same day, I have been eyeing to cover  a very nice show and I  happen to like it so much because it only its a prestigious event, and interesting and unique, and it only happens every other year. I ignored it for something more prestigious, interesting, unique and far more worthwhile AND can only happen once. Loud and proud, I am telling the whole wide world that I just watched the most touching and enlightening movie ever last Sunday.  Whew!   Thanks be to God!)

For others, 16 February 2014 was just another dull sunny Sunday. Well, that was for them. That Sunday afternoon was more than special to us who live on this part of the world.  With immense pleasure, voluble eagerness and glowing pride, we invited close friend, friends of friends, relatives, workmates etc etc to join us in witnessing the much  anticipated Isang Araw Singapore Premiere:)  Who wouldn't be thrilled, anyway? It was not just all about watching the movie but, Mr Public Service himself, Kuya Daniel Razon was coming to grace the event.  I cannot express much in words how everybody was overwhelmed by his presence but I guess pictures can speak loud for us:) 

At the event proper 

These two happy people were just one of those lucky  ones who, unknowingly, managed to secure strategic seats  that enabled them have a closer and clearer sight of Kuya Daniel. Well, this doesn't happen all the time and not all gets the chance like this so they just enjoyed and grabbed the moment while it was there. (And, uuhhmm, yes I  got jealous when I saw them from afar while they took these photos :) )
Well, posing for photos is a default to all of us. Every time Kuya pays us a visit, I know he is ready to show off his sweetest smile because he knows that nobody will leave without striking a killer pose with him. I bet everybody shouted CHEESE! 
From different parts of South East Asia to the Fine City, they traveled all the way to join us witness the much anticipated pemiere night. Aside from of course getting the chance to meet us again and be able to watch the movie, it was Kuya's presence that they wanted to witness and experience. 
Nevertheless,  I had my own precious moment to treasure, too. I was tasked to interview Jeffrey Santos and of course, our beloved Kuya Daniel Razon. This doesn't happen everyday and not all is given the chance. The idea put a thousand butterflies in my stomach BUT I convinced myself to do it because the chance to talk to him face to face might not come again. It came to me as a very pleasant surprise. I hope I get surprises like this all the time. On that day, I just silently wait for instructions and I just wanted to do PA things but I got more than that and I am so happy and proud.  For those who photographed us, thank you so much and send me pictures please :)

At Local for the Spanish consultation and Good Morning, Kuya broadcast
Straight from last Saturday's Thanksgiving, Kuya went straight to the airport for his flight bound here. Then after landing on Singapore soil, they had a quick lunch and the whole crew went straight to Concorde Hotel for the movie premiere. Without any rest at all, Kuya was still able to go with Bro Eli to hold a Spanish Consultation for the brethren in South America. And he didn't stopped there. After the 4hrs-consultation, he was still able to appear in his morning show with the aid of modern technology. He worked more than 24hrs straight! Thanks be to God for the strength and power he gives him to be of service to us and to the rest of mankind.

The movie

It was in 2009 when Kuya Daniel launched his first movie Isang Araw Lang (One Day Only). And now, after four years the part two entitled Isang Araw (One Day) is finally released. As anticipated, this second installment is bigger and much more star-studded. It definitely exceeded viewers' expectations In terms of cast performance and use of advance technology in movie making. But all good effects and acting aside, the best and the selling part of the movie is actually about learning to be obedient to God at all cost (in its true essence). On the first installment, Kuya Daniel had so much to endure just to stand for what he knows is just and righteous. In part two, his suffering and hardship went up a level higher and he even almost crossed the thin line between evil and good. And my story ends here :) As much as I wanted to tell more, I can't. So, for those who have not seen the movie yet, sit down and relax and your turn will come.

All throughout the movie, the crowd reacted on the the scene as how the maker wanted them to react. They laughed on funny scenes, they cried when the thing turns dramatic, and they got carried away when it becomes action-packed scene. I believe Kuya was overwhelmed when the audience clap in between scenes. At the end of the movie, there was a standing ovation and a great round of applause which proves that everybody was stunned and moved. Two thumbs up! This film is highly recommended.

The News
Eager and proud, I am sharing to you all the news that was aired in UNTV's Hataw Balita and Ito ang Balita day after the premiere showing. I am moved by the reaction of the Singaporean and some fellow Filipinos who gave remarks about the movie. I am touched to hear people appreciate the message of the film. 

As Kuya mentioned, they are now in the process of creating the script for the next installment. Thrilled and all that,  I hope to see you all again in the next premiere :)

To God be the glory!

11 February 2014

On Debate Between Bro Eli Soriano & Bro Eusebio Catarinen

As part of Ang Dating Daan’s (Church of God International) concerted efforts of spreading the true teachings of God from the bible, a once a month Worldwide Bible Exposition is being held. But on 07 February 2014, instead of having the normal question and answer set-up, Bro. Eliseo F. Soriano hosted a live debate about who the true founder and owner of the Church is. 

On the much awaited debate, Bro. Eli took the negative side while Bro. Eusebio Catarinen stood for the positive. With the aid of satellite services, distance did not serve as problem.Unknown number of internet viewers excluded , around 50,000 spectators witnessed the encounter via ADD's 1,281 satellite worldwide.

Compared to Bro Eli's previous opponents, Bro Eusebio seemed to be the most difficult to withstand (for me). Difficult not because he was too good, but  because I know in my heart that Bro Eli can finish the discussion faster than I can imagine if he wanted to. Sorry but honestly, that was what I really felt. He kept going around the bush and the debate lasted for 4 hours without him realizing anything. 

On the other hand, Bro Eli's reaction was different and I felt a deep pang of guilt for feeling what i felt. He was so calm, composed and focused on explaining each and every detail about the side he was defending. According to him, the over 50,000 listeners must learn and be enlightened. It was not about winning but about sharing the wisdom. He even ignored all the misbehaving Bro Eusebio Catarinen showed all throughout the debate. Instead, Bro Eli gave all the credit to God saying, “Even when we haven’t yet begun, God has already triumphed. Don’t insist on what is wrong…. The intent of this debate is not to show that one has lost and the other triumphed, because glory belongs to God.”

And before he bid everybody goodnight, Bro Eli even asked for an apology to his opponent. He said, “Whatever word I have said that may offended anybody, forgive me. We are all prone to sins. Good night."

Surprise for a Blogger-Wannabe :)

Who wouldn't be happy with this surprise? I was granted with a task that I was not expecting at all. A surprise that came in early but I discover two months later. Blame the the flood of notifications on my Facebook. 

I am so thankful, I really am. And I am excited and ecstatic and I still can’t believe! I don’t think I am suited and able. I don’t possess a good knack in writing and I know in my heart that I don’t have much (or shall I say, I have very little) aptitude to put my thoughts into words and these words touch readers’ imagination. Without this things in my blood stream, do you think I can be a be a good blogger? I know you'll say NO with conviction. But with His help, I know, I will keep going and moving on doing the task. 

For this, all I can say is 
thank you & help me, my LORD...