11 February 2014

Surprise for a Blogger-Wannabe :)

Who wouldn't be happy with this surprise? I was granted with a task that I was not expecting at all. A surprise that came in early but I discover two months later. Blame the the flood of notifications on my Facebook. 

I am so thankful, I really am. And I am excited and ecstatic and I still can’t believe! I don’t think I am suited and able. I don’t possess a good knack in writing and I know in my heart that I don’t have much (or shall I say, I have very little) aptitude to put my thoughts into words and these words touch readers’ imagination. Without this things in my blood stream, do you think I can be a be a good blogger? I know you'll say NO with conviction. But with His help, I know, I will keep going and moving on doing the task. 

For this, all I can say is 
thank you & help me, my LORD...

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