09 March 2010

Give Blood. Save Lives. Nurture Christian Living.

Donate blood. It is good for the donor, for the recipient and for fostering Christian life. Blood is the symbolism of life and sharing our precious blood to others is such Godly deed. The feeling we have when we are able to lend a hand to others in any way we can is a very overwhelming experience. Same thing, no issue about the fact that the primary motivation why majority donate blood is the awe-inspiring and overjoyed emotion of being able to save someone else’s life. And saving a life is a big heck of a help, actually! As Christians, if we do have the capacity and qualifications, we are obliged to help others the soonest, as being said in Proverbs 3:28 “Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.” We only need to grant an hour of our valuable time to queue to any blood donation drive booth or go straight to blood banks. As followers of Christ, let us serve God by doing as how Jesus showed His faith to our Father. As it was written in 1 Job 3:16 "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."

Aside from spiritual nourishments Christians can achieve, donating blood is one manner of serving others that will not cause any trouble to donors but instead, it gives health profits. First, it reduces risks of having heart problems and cancer. Excess iron build up in our body can stimulate development of free radicals. These free radicals are the culprits of damage in cells and tissues, and also connected with other illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. For red-meat lovers, the risk of iron overdose is much higher. For men and post-menopausal women, this is also possible to be more of a problem. Above and beyond, donating blood burns excess calories and reduces cholesterol level. After giving off blood, blood cell count in the body is lowered. Thus, it refreshes the body system by stimulating the reproduction of new blood cells. When we take note of the benefits donating blood can offer, plus giving happiness to those who are in need, nothing to lose but only gain. I have searched on disadvantages but i fail to find one. There are some who declare minor disadvantage, like experiencing blood pressure drop because of hypovolemia, or may experience light-headedness or mild nausea for a very short time. But analyzing the pros compared to cons, cons are not really insignificant and may not be considered as “disadvantage” but just temporary after-effect. If we look at the bigger picture, this is a win-win for donor and recipient.

I suppose that some have not tried donating blood yet. Firstly, maybe it never got into their thoughts because their minds are preoccupied with too many things(as a matter of fact, it happened to me before). One more thing is because, they are afraid of the idea of poking needles in their arms. Well, for those who are having a second thought, reconsider giving your blood to the needy. Fear is just a state of mind, a heart longing to extend help will surmount this fear.

Giving is a noble thing and Christians are cheerful givers, and mainly, cheerful followers of God. As it is commanded by the Lord in Marcus 12:30-31, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Donating our blood is one big expression of love for others. And we can never tell, our friends and loved-ones can be the next person that will need blood.In donating blood, we don’t just help others, we save lives, and we nurture Christian living.Lets us not get tired of doing good. No good thing has ever bear bad outcome.

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