16 March 2010

Reminiscing 2010 Q1 MCGI International Thanksgiving...

FIRST DAY (13Mar 2010)

The 3day-Thanksgiving of Members of Church of God International started with a bang! Yipee! Im so loving the program opening medley. All members worldwide are so happy and overwhelmed that the three months wait has come to an end. And here in our place,the ever energetic Choir and Teatro Kristiano were both fully charged for the opening number that added up to the liveliness and vitality of brethren.

And for the much-awaited quarterly International Thanksgiving, modern technology did it again. The program for the whole congregation- which emanated from Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines- was beamed via internet and satellites in over 350 coordinating centers in the Philippines and in less than 600 locales around the world. East and west meet to have one song, one prayer, one faith to glorify the Almighty God! It was overwhelming to learn on the first day the whole story on how the true church started in East, and eventually reach the longing-for-the-truth people of the west.

SECOND DAY (14Mar 2010)

This new day has given us a lot of wisdom from God again, as expected ;). Bro. Danny Navales and Bro. Mel Magdaraog officiated the introduction of the new topic. Bro. Danny is so hilarious! It made us more awake, LOL;)

On the second day, we have learned from Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel that there are people who are capable to know what on God's mind. Amazing! God has chosen special person that speaks things that his enemies and non-believers of God cant oppose. For those non-members who want to dig deeper to discover the answer, attend Bro. Eli's next bible exposition and ask him. He will not surely deprive you of the answer.

On our locale program(we do this regularly during breaktime every International Thanksgiving), the group presentations were so touching, and Brethrens have practiced their song offerings very well.Even the little kids had a part on the numbers, too. The best part of the local program that i really liked is the presentation of the Locale Jingle. It was purposefully composed so the locale can have its very own welcome song for visiting non-members and brethrens. And because it has nice lyrics and upbeat tempo, we sang and dance to it for more or less five times in span of almost two hours! Hhmm, i heard they will have MTV for this, i just cant wait to see.

And lastly, this second day is very special to our domestic helper sisters since they got chance to sing their offering. Only on Sundays that they are allowed to take day-off, and thanks be to God that this belittled people in this world find refuge in the church He built, and gloriously giving Thanks to Him particularly on church's important gathering like this. Some burst into tears with too much joy they feel.

THIRD DAY (15Mar 2010)

How fast, the three days are over but the whole congregation seems want not to let the Thanksgiving end. We just cant enough!

My all-time favorite among the three days is the third one. Not because it is the last but because jamming is normally done on this day. Singing for the Lord gives me a different feeling of satisfaction. All singing and dancing, even the small children and the old ones join the jamming session. In the Philippines, hot weather was not a hindrance to stop them to glorify God by singing to the top of their lungs! Oh, missed you, Apalit ;( Hope to see you again soon.

Here in our venue, many had already gone home after the closing prayer but the choir is unstoppable! The energy level is still high. Together with Teatro Kristiano, and some siblings in faith, jamming was on! Well, we will never get tired singing songs of praise. And why get tired? Singing is the highest form of prayer.

See you all again next PBK, God willing c",)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so lazy at times, despite the fact that i have been reading your blog for sometime now I have not made a comment til now, just wanted to say im loving it!