29 March 2010

"Thank You Letter" for my God

Dear Lord,

For many unspeakable gifts You have given, I thank You so much.

In my entire life, You have given me a lot. Even things I did not hope for. You have given me good husband, good family and good friends; even good lessons and good examples that I have to follow. You have made me experience heartaches amidst circumstances that others might not be able to accept with a smile. And from these pains, a learned- a lot.

For the last few days, I was again seriously thinking of going back to my hometown. For some personal reasons, that is. Truly, "personal interest and gain" is more appropriate to use. I already have my blueprint on what I really intend to do with my life when I reach home. For the past year, I planned trice of flying back home to Philippines. As a matter of fact, everything was ready. I have my tickets, my itinerary to places I want to visit with loved ones, and many more. I carefully planned on how to rebuild what I have started then because that was I in fact what I really wanted to do. However, due to peculiar and comical instances, all did not push though. This is more strange, on all of those three unsuccessful attempts, I did not feel any bitterness, or whatever unpleasant feeling. As a Christian I have to know that whatever the reasons were, You have crafted better plans for me.

Staying from where I am now is the best place for me. I am here because you want me to be HERE. Thanks that you whispered and reminded me again that life is not all about achieving my ambitions; that life is not about conquering the world; that life is not about possessing many material things. Lord, i can clearly remember how you brought me here, and how you made things easy for me. I never imagined myself living in a foreign land, and really never wanted to. However, I am here now, Thy will had happened no matter how hard I tried to swim against it. I am happy that every time I design my way, You straighten my path.

Before I end my "Thank You Letter" for you, I have one thing to ask again, if it is not too much for me to do so. Please help me until the end. Eating with you in your supper delights me, but I cannot stay even for a second, if you leave me alone. I submit myself to you.

Your worthless servant,



Photojazz said...

A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

Anonymous said...

Be happy serving Him. Always

Unknown said...

Thanks be to God, guys