28 December 2010

You are monkey's descendant. Would you agree?

The first time I heard about this flying spaghetti monster from a friend, I thought it was a new cartoon character on boobtube that children are getting crazy with lately. But when my preachers mentioned it again during our latest International Thanksgiving, I got curioused so I checked it out in the web. And I was so horrified on what this monster is all about. As time goes by, many crazy things are popping out, and this the most disgusting i found so far. This  flying spaghetti monster is actually a "religion" formed by atheists. They are so gutsy in insulting the existence of God and they even come up to the picture below using that spaghetti symbol in place of God and they  even called people as midgit. Maybe to make it sound that humans are not so important, I do not really know.

These crazy people are basing their belief in the theory of evolution which says that man originated from monkey. A theory that is, until now, never proven and never will be.

Man originating from monkeys is an idea I totally oppose because bible is stating otherwise. 

Genesis 1:26-27 

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

If Darwin's Theory is true, then what is the proof that men originated from monkeys? There should be the so called link. But there is no link, only theory. The thechnology is now highly advanced, how come believers  these  Darwin's followers dont use DNA testing to prove that what they believe is true. Can you imagine a monkey's eye transplanted on you? Or kidney maybe? Of course, majority will say NO. But even if you say yes, it can't be as it is not compatible with human system. If atheists cannot prove the Theory of Evolution, then Christians can do otherwise.   

Genesis 2:7,“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” 

Men is from dust and this is being backed up by science's existing proofs- not just a theory. This is not a coinsidence but one of the perfect proofs that Bible is authentic.The human body is composed of chemicals found on the top soil. Oxygen, which is the most abundant element on the earth’s first layer, makes up 65 percent of the human body, and carbon, also abundant on the top soil of the ground, is 18 percent, and hydrogen is 10 percent. The 59 elements found in the human body are all found on the earths crust.  To understand more on the explanation, please read this.

Well, this happening is not not really shocking because bible has pre-warned  His children about these people who are disrespectful  of God. So there is nothing we can do but to just warn others about how dangerous these people are as they will bring humans to damnation.

(2 Timothy 3:1-5)

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Those who will go with them will surely experience the wrath of God in due time. These people who claim that God does not exist are high-minded, illogical fools and they will surely regret thei ill-manner treatment  sthey are showing towards God now. But it is never to late for them. God is merciful to those who repent and ask for His guidance. He wants everybody to be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4) IF they change their ways, God will surely forgive them.

Related Links:

03 December 2010

Bro Eli, Mashable Awards finalist again!

After bagging the "Most Educational to Follow" award last year, Bro Eli Soriano is again one of the finalists for the Mashables Award 2010 under Best Web Video for his Truthcaster, a site where he does live broadcast on Wednesday nights. On this site, he also archives his previous tapings that discusses truth about the bible.

For those who do not know Bro Eli yet, he really is educational to follow. Why? Because he can talk about politics, astronomy, science, story of mankind,and  health. Mind you, he is a good counsellor, too. Just name anything under the sun and he can discuss intelligently with you. One thing more, he can openly discuss things that others may find a bit embarrassing to talk about. He is a straight-forward person with a very big heart.

In my almost eight years as member of the Church of God, I was able to follow and witness Bro Eli's struggle to keep up his vow to God, and that is to be the steward of truth. This promise has brought him a lot of heartbreaking experiences. One of which was, when those hopeless stewards of lies filed rape case against him having a very unreliable and no-credibity victim as their tool to pull him down. But nevertheless, of course, God's will was done. This opened doors for him and Bro Daniel to go worldwide and spread the Good Words to none-Filipinos. And now, he made it again to the finals for the Mashable Awards. Another feather on Church of God's cap. It only proves that if God's will, nobody can stand on His way (Isa 43:13).

In this year's finals, I bid him goodluck. May he bring home the bacon!

28 November 2010

Happy Birthday, Kuya!

"Kuya" is a Filipino term used to give respect and gratitude to older male friend, cousin or older male sibling.

And we have a Kuya, that we do not only respect but its beyond that, we love him so much. The Kuya Daniel of ours, is far more than just a good big brother to all of us, he is actually great! He has touched many lives all over the globe through his advocacy.

 Our dear Kuya is famously known as Mr. Public Service as he has shown to whole world what the word really means. He is a  leader by example to all of us, the trait he learned from Bro Eli. He seems so untiring when it comes to doing something good for others. Selfless, I may say. I never saw anyone that has a big heart as his' and Bro Eli's. Though there are lots of detractors who keep on fabricating stories that intends to malign him, the truth still prevails and his shine just turns to be brighter every after each hit from the enemies.

After Kuya has been exiled from GMA7 because of some malicious ideas from nonsense critics, God made wonders. He opened a big door of opportunities for him to lead the congregation to do greater tasks and that is to do public service at its finest. He launched "Good Morning, Kuya" via UNTV37 after he left the mentioned network, and the show exhibit how brilliant he is. Aside from bringing real facts and informations to viewers,' boobtube, the show is also loaded of charity works, 100% all for free. A certified public servant that he is, Kuya Daniel along with Bro Eli, keeps on thinking on how to show the world that they love all human being that will their best just to reach out. And the ultimate mission is, to let God's words be known to all.

And even if Kuya Daniel is heading UNTV37, he is not particular on just giving news and latest updates. Few weeks ago, he launched a new campaign for UNTV News Team, the "Tulong Muna Bago Balita", (Help First Before doing News). He emphasized that its not important that correspondents give the freshest news when they miss the oppotunity to help others. Well, i dont know if other big networks can do so since they are working for profit and ratings only.

Yesterday, during Kuya's 27th birthday Thanksgiving celebration in Apalit, they have announced the latest project he launched in cooperation with Department of Education which is the Dunong Gulong Mobile School, a project designed to  help those adult learners, out of school youths, poor children and the like to get a chance to acquire knowledge even they have no means to support it. Well, I am sure that anytime from now, he will again reveal another big project that will surely delight our needy fellowmen.

I am quite sure, Our dear God will still keep the ideas pouring out of him. And thanks be to God, for giving this world a Kuya Daniel who is untiringly and zealously helping Bro Eli to guide and look over "us". Again, happy birthday Kuya!

26 October 2010

Got it, at last!

I have been searching for lyrics and MP4 copy of this song. At last, I got it.. And now, I will let them memorize this for the upcoming International Thanksgiving on December. Better start practice this early so the preparation would be better... This is one of my favorites (Is it obvious?)

I played this song for hours and I am again recharged. TGBTG! Singing songs of praises for Him is my energizer eversince. Even if I got the worst voice in the group, I dont care. Eat your hearts out.

Til next post, guys..

18 October 2010

El nino is on!

Yes, EL NINO is on! It's on on you, my blogsite! Sad but true.

But hey! Dont worry weavedthoughts, just wait a little more time and I will again put entries for you. I already started a few but, you know, I am still half way on each topic. Nevertheless, I will definitely finish all those pending works for you. Hopefully, until next week.

Know what, I have been so disturbed lately. Well, its about things that really should'nt bother me at all. I am here not just to earn money but for "you-know-what". it blocks me still on what I have to accomplish- which is the most important of all. These blockers are also the reasons why I dont talk to you often for the last months. For your info, Its not only you that I have neglected, there are also some duties that I was not able to give a little attention, at least. These blockers came for reasons that I cannot anymore put across this entry, I will just whispher to you later if you promise that you can keep a secret.(LOL). This evil Satan is surely reading what I am writing now and he should'nt know what I have in my mind.

Since I was baptized, I have not experienced anything that affected and disturbed me and my duty so much, not until these things came. This time its different. But dont worry, friend. I am still ok. A prayer is enough to comfort myself. I am praying so hard that God may help and direct me to the best decision I need to execute. I know, He will hear me.

11 October 2010

I donated blood today! (10-10-10)

Yes, you heard it right! I have given off one pint of blood today. After several times of attempting to donate blood, at last, this time I finally qualified- and I am so glad.

So here's what happened on my first time: While i was lying there, I got annoyed waiting for the attendant to check whether on which arm she'll take blood. Why will I not get annoyed, she checked on my veins not once but maybe almost five times! I also got a bit confused and nervous because the two guys behind me in the queue was already done and they are still checking on me! According to the attendant, my veins are too small so they really need to check very carefully. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore now. When she finally injected the needle, luckily, it was successful at first try.

Actually, I was a bit scared, too. But as what i always do in circumstances that makes my heart beat 100x faster than the normal rate, I thought about something else to divert my attention. Since the Blood Donation Drive was one of the activities for our TV program's anniversary, I thought about how the program will run  later since the last time we had this kind of activity was a big blast, it was pretty cool and enjoy! Hmm, well guys that is another story I will tell on my next blog.I am just sharing what i have thought so I wont have a faint heart as they draw blood from me.

Kidding aside, the reason why I am so eager to donate blood is mainly because, my preachers have taught me to do so. Giving blood will save lives. More so, I am not rich. donating blood is a no-cash-out act of extending assistance to others in need. It made me realized too, that as long as a person wants to help, there will surely be a way.

In the midst of my less sleep-and-not-so-stress-free life, just a tablet of GNC mega women a day will be great help so I can be a donor again. I promise myself that I will treat again my soul with this good deed after a three months, God willing.

So long, guys!

18 September 2010

And I hate myself…

Yes, I hate myself for becoming irresponsible with my duties lately.

Reason? I have been so busy and loaded with office work and really need to catch up with all pending jobs that the former person left. It’s all headache and pressure. However, that shouldn’t block me to do what I really ought to do. I know that. I should know what to prioritize. Honestly, I am really annoyed with my shortcomings. It hurts me, but…. Ok, ok. NO EXCUSES.

So today, I am taking this opportunity. I will start to eliminate my backlogs one by one- and have to finish it all today. You heard it right- today, God willing. I have already set my mood, you know. And because of that I have to strike the iron while it’s hot.

So get out of my way, blockers! c”,) I am on my way going back to loving myself again by doing what I am suppose to accomplish.

I hope and pray that my God be with me.

12 July 2010

Why relationships fail...

Yes, I am being emotional this time. Not because my relationship is shaking. Of course not ;) This is because of this book I have been reading for days now. I have this book more than two years ago in a book sale and I have not touched it since then. And out of boredom at work, i brought this book with me and finally read it during my break. Its an old story of written by Danielle Steel and filmed around ten years ago but i was not able to see it or even had an idea of what the story was all about. But since I have read some Danielle Steel authored books and I find it good, I picked "Daddy".

Well, I am writing this blog not to praise the movie if it was done perfectly cinematic (I have not seen it, anyway) or the book amazingly composed. But a thought went across my mind: relationships fail because there is one person or both person in a relationship is just thinking about what will make them happy without thinking how the people around them would feel.

The story was about a mother that walked out from her family to give way to what she really wanted to do with her life. To make the long story short, the whole family was wrecked and devastated. And making it hard for Daddy to cope up. He was caught off-guard. He did not see this coming. It is really saddening that people sometimes are so aware that they are doing the wrong things to people they love so much, but because of "me-myself-and I" thinking, they become unreasonable. And do not even care about how it would impact on those that are involved.

This story is so common nowadays. If only people would find a way know that this is so against God's will, maybe they will do otherwise. If only people would know that it is not what we achieve in life that matters but how we live according to what God wants. Oh yes, if only.

I don't really know how to explain how I feel. All i know is,   "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD. Pro 19:14"

So wives and husbands, I hope we do our best to be considered "from God"

Want clear explanation about what message I want to say? Please watch the links below:

 Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

23 June 2010

An Open letter to God

As I was spending my breaktime surfing the net yesterday afternoon, I visited my old blogsite where I have not written any new entries for a year or two. I run through each and every entry and I found this open letter of mine- for my God.

Dear  God,

All these years, i’ve been through a lot.. so much happiness, so much anger, so much sadness… and through all that time You were always beside me.. . You have given me the best things that i could have… even now that im hurting so much, i still thank you, Lord…  it came to me as a surprise, i never thought that i will be one of those few people that will experience this and will have this with me until the day i die.. i maybe crying now, but i assure Dear God that i accept it whole-heartedly.. i will always bear in mind that "all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose" (romans 8:28-29).

Help me God… ease my pain… for whatever purpose, i thank You for giving this to me…
You are one great God that gives your children the best. thank for this another gift of love to me… Thank you for i will be stronger after this storm… 


This entry was posted on Sunday, May 11th, 2008 at 11:18 pm  

I wrote this two years ago. While reading, I became a bit nostalgic. The memory flashed back to me. I remember how I was so silent when they broke the news to us. I tried my best not to burst in tears. At that moment, I need to show strength and courage- amidst circumstance, others will not accept with a smile. After reading, I examined myself. Yes, I don't feel the pain anymore. 100% painless. Thanks God. This letter have reminded me on the reason why I am here now in the place where I refused to stay before.  Since I am becoming restless again, itching to go back where I really wanted to be, now my mind has been cleared of cloudy thoughts. I am thankful to see this letter one more time.

At this very moment, I have realized that I am so very susceptible and has tendency to forget important promises when circumstance don't favor me. Human nature, that is why- maybe. But I have forgotten that I don't have any rationale to use to defend what I want. God has plans for me, and all that happens is what He allows. 

From our last International Thanksgiving, we have learned that a true Christian will surely have a happy ending.

And happy endings are reserved for those that will endure the tribulations, trials, mockery and humilliations this world is giving. That is from this harsh world we live in. What more if I can withstand the seems-to-be-failures-and-heartaches that God is giving to me? Well, the choice is always mine. And I am choosing to be obedient- to best way I can. Help me God, I cant do this alone.

..... I love happy ending.
..... I want happy ending. 
..... I look forward to happy ending. 

19 June 2010

New flavor combination: Bitter cum sourgrapes

So excited and all, me and my friends were arranging our date for Friday morning. Yes, we have a very important date that 100% made our hearts beat so fast.

Then friday morning came. I woke up so early just to make sure that before I leave for airport to see our big brother before he go off to Philppines, everything is fixed for my "boss".

To make the story short, myself along with my other three friends were already in the taxi going to the airport when "Fairy Gaymother's" phone rang. As i listen to their conversation, the handsome (hahaha) guy on the other end bluntly told him that our much awaited "moment" was spoiled. Kuya, along with his companions had checked in. Oh men! I felt like a pail of water was poured on my whole being. We were all disappointed! We then started blaming each other for not coming much earlier. However, we still proceeded to see those who came there ahead of us.

Heavy-hearted that we were, it was really so difficult to smile when we have some picture taking at the airport. Well, pictures to remind us that we missed seeing Kuya. (sigh) I know, its not only me who felt bad. We all felt bad but we tried our best to make things light for us. For others, those who do not understand- this may sound too shallow and so petty. But for us, its not.

                   Starbucks Drinks for the sour-graping bitters

However, we have to move on, dear blogspot. So to make our day a little bit brighter, we forced Dear J to take us to Starbucks for a yummy pastry and a cup of hearty iced coffee. You know blogspot, I loved my friends more today- my beloved God-given friends. Righteous ones. For what happened today may just be another ordinary for an ordinary man, but this day is not an ordinary day for a peculiar people like me because today, I have seen something beautiful. I saw people who appreciate and love a very special gift from GOD who was given to us, unwrapped but so special.

I love you all, friends.

16 June 2010

What Matters Most

I am just a simple person. I love simple life and simple living. You dont need to exert too much effort to please me. I laugh loud even with the corniest joke. I joke a lot becuase I want things to be always on the lighter side. (for those who dont really know me, or did not even have close encounter with me- they will think otherwise.)

I am appreciative with every little thing that others do for me. But maybe, because of my "kababawan ng kaligayahan" I can be easily disappointed, too. Yes, it may be irony to you- but its not. Well, Come to think of it. I asked for small thing, but promised other thing. Ok ok, it may sound better and bigger but that is not what I want and what I need. However fabulous it is- that is not what I want.

On the other hand, there is no choice left for me. I need to go on and just accept the reality dahil kahit naman maglupasay ako, I wont get what I want. As a learned Christian, kailangan mabuhay na nagtitiis. Even in things that I think I need to fight for pero kung titimbangin, pwede naman palampasin, so let it be.

This night, I sat down for hours contemplating and then realized, most of the burden that I really need to carry is about enduring everyday life because from small matters in everyday living lies "pagtitiis" the most. I just l told myself, baka me tinitiis din naman sa kin eh. I might be trying to endure the irritating small stuffs, pero sa kin baka malaki pala ang tinitiis, I just dont know. So, for this good thought- Thanks, God. I feel lighter now.

13 June 2010

Sorry for My Long absence.. ;)

Hello, blogspot. How are you?

Yes. I know, i know. Its been a while that i have not updated you, or visited you, at least. Well, i was so very busy. And sorry to say that after this entry, i will be very busy again. And now, we are holding our Our international thanksgiving. We are all so excited. Many new amazing topics are being discussed. Dont worry, i will surely share the happenings with you. Just wait please. I promise I will pay more attention to you.

For quite a while that i have not even visited you, so many things had transpired. Handful of things that made me worried, made me sad, made me smile, made me laugh- all of these, i'll share with you. I now have a very long list of topics i want to write about. I hope I can make it up to you. See you!

13 April 2010

Love of My Life...

April 12, 2000. Alabang town Center, 8:30pm, the first time we held hands. And After 10years, we still stick together- through thick and thin, better or for worse, sadness and happiness, laughter and tears (he laughs, I cry). He is one damn sticky person that i love to love for the rest of my life. i will never get tired holding this guy's hands.

How fast time flies. Ten years had passed and yet, we love each other more each day. And we are getting stronger everyday. On this story, I am thanking God again that He played the major role on our love story.

There is nothing really extraordinary about the story of us. We're just like any other couples around. We also have small fights, petty arguments and,-yes, truly- unsettled differences until now. That’s what made us normal. And this made us stick together more. Spice, as we may call it. For those who know us so well, they will laugh it off when we do argue. I always piss him off with my stubbornness and sarcastic smile and he makes my blood pressure go high with his hard-to-convince and no-reaction style when he doesn’t agree or he is not interested on what I say.

I've been through a failed relationship before i met  him and such experience was really traumatic for me. So, I constantly asked God to keep me away from that pain. I never wanted to feel it again. During that time that my heart was aching, i was always praying to God. I was praying that if in case He wants me to be with someone again, may He bless me with a guy that loves good things and is just on judging things. A guy who can withstand my peculiar character. Then Beybi came my way. And then the story began at that point.

But this is the best part of the story. One fine day, he asked me if I know Bro. Eli Soriano. During that time, i already knew Bro. Eli through my college friends who are now workers for MCGI, the group that Bro. Eli is leading. So, i said yes. Then he asked me to look for my friends and ask to help us on going to Apalit. The rest is history. On these ten years, the moment that Beybi lead me to our Lord is the highlight of us being together. See, i asked God to give me someone who does sound decisions only. Leading me God's congregation is not just a sound move, but wise and Godly. God gave me more than enough.

Up to this day, we still make every next day something to look forward to. “Us” is God’s work in progress. And on this thing, I may sound corny but I’ll say it anyway. Each day I wake  up  and I see him beside me, it reminds me of God’s love for he is the exact person I asked for in my prayers.

12 April 2010

My One Week On-The-Job Training

Well, this week is extremely adventurous for me. I got refreshed. i have learned this lessons in workshop, in Locale, at home and inside the bus. We are nourished with lectures on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Actually, we also have online lessons. But we are really stubborn- still. And God's way to make us more learned children, He will let us undergo OJT or on-the-job training. And for my OJT for the week, I learned so much. As such, I also gained from my friend's OJT. Thanks to her that she shared her lessons, no need for me to undergo such training.

Kidding aside. Too many things had transpired this past week and again, thank you, God. Thank you for reminding me things that temporarily slipped off my mind; and on learning from mistakes and shortcomings- of others and mine; deliberate and unintentional. So here are they:

First, when I have task at hand, I have to do it with all my heart, with all my might no matter how tired I may be and even if resources run out. Is there anyone among us that can stand and say that he can surpass what Bro Eli and Bro Daniel is doing? I am guilty on this concern, and I am sorry. I have no right to feel dead beat as my leaders are exerting 100,000,000 times effort than I do. Besides, my salary here is so high. Why would I complain? If I do all these worthily, I will have eternal life as reward. Superb, right?

Second, evil’s bait comes in different sizes. But for a true Christian, it comes in small packages most of the time so therefore, we cannot quickly recognize sometimes. For instance, it is a normal reaction for us humans to experience ill feelings when others, at times, pass judgments on us. We have this notion that because they criticize what we do, what we wear, the way we talk and the way we carry ourselves; we tag them as haters or just another envious individual looking over our shoulders. But before thinking this way, analyze first. The principle to reflect on: We, Christians live to please God, not people. Always remember that, we Christians are not here on this place called earth to satisfy the standards of men, but God’s.

Third, I realized, I have the best friends in the world. They are really heaven-sent. I have been through a lot and there are times that I feel a bitter on some issues. And these friends of mine are so great, and brilliant, and genuinely God-fearing. In normal promptings of men, there is this your-my-friend-so-i-hate-who-you-hate syndrome. When this scenario sets in, remember Matthew 15:33, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." Luckily, my friends are the contrary. They supply me sound thoughts to reflect on. Mostly, I am glad I am in the midst of righteous children of God- and I am particularly referring to the church groups that I joined (yes, because it’s their faces that I happen to see almost every day, its them who fill my handphone inbox and drains its battery too, because of voice calls) not to forget, of course the husband God has given to me. They say things I need to hear, not things I want to hear. Through them, I realize how small but lucky I am to be called inside the true church. As what has been taught to us, life companions are from God if they guide and help you to be more worthy of God’s love and salvation. If they do otherwise, they are from devil.

Fourth, when somebody was offended by someone, the one offended quickly defends and say “he doesn’t know what’s in my heart”. But it’s the same, the “offended” also doesn’t know what is in the heart of his “offender”. So, the moral of the story is, still go back to basic wisdom we have learned, let us assume that our brethren is more righteous than us. Each one of us was created unique and God put flaws on us all. But flaws are not the things that we need to look at for but the nurtured inborn beauty from within that God has planted in our hearts. Don’t look at petty issues as “petty issues”. Be careful. Big issues came from small ones. For all we know, the thing that we consider small becomes disastrous when not handled properly. Good intentions require just, proper and intelligent actions. These criticisms may be for our own gain, so let us think first and don't do reckless moves. Remember, in one wrong move we can allow satan to step in. He is not welcome in anyway, so beware!

Fifth, strip-off pride in our heart. For the longest time, I can feel God commanded to settle this certain concern that was brought about by miscommunication, wrong perception and lack of understanding. But for certain reason that I don’t know now how to explain, I did not listen. I just sit down and do other tasks. Until one day, I discovered that everything was already out of proportion. I was thinking that since too many related topics has been discussed during our congregations, it’s already enough. But it’s not. I forgot that we are all different individuals. We accept things on different level, and even our faiths are not on the same intensity. As what is written in Romans 12:3 “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith”. So for some people, we need words, and warm and sincere apology with calm voice in explaining. And at last I did what my God has been asking me to do. To you, loser satan, you will never win. Go elsewhere; you can’t beat me and my little sis. We just had a little “fun”, loser. One more thing about pride. this holds us from fulfilling our duties to God properly. So better let go. Not good for health, and not good for soul.

Sixth, we have to love to love those who don’t even know we exist and even those who want to think we don’t exist. It is not bad that we stick with the company of our family and friends, but we must remember that we need to extend our kindness even to those that we consider meanest on earth’s crust. One distinct Christian feature: loving thy enemy, and still doing good even if others- intentional or not-; inflicted harm on us. Bear this God’s directive in mind: Mat 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

Seventh, stand still on God’s side. Love Him over and above anyone and anything. Don’t be like the fools who are so busy spending time, money and effort for the things of this world. Be intelligent on deciding what path to take because satan is so devilishly clever and he always wanted to bring men down. Always have an open mind, a clean heart that is full of love and a prayerful soul. Ask Jesus to be the winds beneath our wings because we cannot do good things without Him to direct us.

29 March 2010

"Thank You Letter" for my God

Dear Lord,

For many unspeakable gifts You have given, I thank You so much.

In my entire life, You have given me a lot. Even things I did not hope for. You have given me good husband, good family and good friends; even good lessons and good examples that I have to follow. You have made me experience heartaches amidst circumstances that others might not be able to accept with a smile. And from these pains, a learned- a lot.

For the last few days, I was again seriously thinking of going back to my hometown. For some personal reasons, that is. Truly, "personal interest and gain" is more appropriate to use. I already have my blueprint on what I really intend to do with my life when I reach home. For the past year, I planned trice of flying back home to Philippines. As a matter of fact, everything was ready. I have my tickets, my itinerary to places I want to visit with loved ones, and many more. I carefully planned on how to rebuild what I have started then because that was I in fact what I really wanted to do. However, due to peculiar and comical instances, all did not push though. This is more strange, on all of those three unsuccessful attempts, I did not feel any bitterness, or whatever unpleasant feeling. As a Christian I have to know that whatever the reasons were, You have crafted better plans for me.

Staying from where I am now is the best place for me. I am here because you want me to be HERE. Thanks that you whispered and reminded me again that life is not all about achieving my ambitions; that life is not about conquering the world; that life is not about possessing many material things. Lord, i can clearly remember how you brought me here, and how you made things easy for me. I never imagined myself living in a foreign land, and really never wanted to. However, I am here now, Thy will had happened no matter how hard I tried to swim against it. I am happy that every time I design my way, You straighten my path.

Before I end my "Thank You Letter" for you, I have one thing to ask again, if it is not too much for me to do so. Please help me until the end. Eating with you in your supper delights me, but I cannot stay even for a second, if you leave me alone. I submit myself to you.

Your worthless servant,


16 March 2010

Reminiscing 2010 Q1 MCGI International Thanksgiving...

FIRST DAY (13Mar 2010)

The 3day-Thanksgiving of Members of Church of God International started with a bang! Yipee! Im so loving the program opening medley. All members worldwide are so happy and overwhelmed that the three months wait has come to an end. And here in our place,the ever energetic Choir and Teatro Kristiano were both fully charged for the opening number that added up to the liveliness and vitality of brethren.

And for the much-awaited quarterly International Thanksgiving, modern technology did it again. The program for the whole congregation- which emanated from Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines- was beamed via internet and satellites in over 350 coordinating centers in the Philippines and in less than 600 locales around the world. East and west meet to have one song, one prayer, one faith to glorify the Almighty God! It was overwhelming to learn on the first day the whole story on how the true church started in East, and eventually reach the longing-for-the-truth people of the west.

SECOND DAY (14Mar 2010)

This new day has given us a lot of wisdom from God again, as expected ;). Bro. Danny Navales and Bro. Mel Magdaraog officiated the introduction of the new topic. Bro. Danny is so hilarious! It made us more awake, LOL;)

On the second day, we have learned from Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel that there are people who are capable to know what on God's mind. Amazing! God has chosen special person that speaks things that his enemies and non-believers of God cant oppose. For those non-members who want to dig deeper to discover the answer, attend Bro. Eli's next bible exposition and ask him. He will not surely deprive you of the answer.

On our locale program(we do this regularly during breaktime every International Thanksgiving), the group presentations were so touching, and Brethrens have practiced their song offerings very well.Even the little kids had a part on the numbers, too. The best part of the local program that i really liked is the presentation of the Locale Jingle. It was purposefully composed so the locale can have its very own welcome song for visiting non-members and brethrens. And because it has nice lyrics and upbeat tempo, we sang and dance to it for more or less five times in span of almost two hours! Hhmm, i heard they will have MTV for this, i just cant wait to see.

And lastly, this second day is very special to our domestic helper sisters since they got chance to sing their offering. Only on Sundays that they are allowed to take day-off, and thanks be to God that this belittled people in this world find refuge in the church He built, and gloriously giving Thanks to Him particularly on church's important gathering like this. Some burst into tears with too much joy they feel.

THIRD DAY (15Mar 2010)

How fast, the three days are over but the whole congregation seems want not to let the Thanksgiving end. We just cant enough!

My all-time favorite among the three days is the third one. Not because it is the last but because jamming is normally done on this day. Singing for the Lord gives me a different feeling of satisfaction. All singing and dancing, even the small children and the old ones join the jamming session. In the Philippines, hot weather was not a hindrance to stop them to glorify God by singing to the top of their lungs! Oh, missed you, Apalit ;( Hope to see you again soon.

Here in our venue, many had already gone home after the closing prayer but the choir is unstoppable! The energy level is still high. Together with Teatro Kristiano, and some siblings in faith, jamming was on! Well, we will never get tired singing songs of praise. And why get tired? Singing is the highest form of prayer.

See you all again next PBK, God willing c",)

12 March 2010

Thanks to You, Modern Technology (In Tagalog: Salamat Sayo, Makabagong Teknolohiya)

Im so fascinated and addicted with writing lately, though i know I am not as good as everyone else out there who can write an artistic-and-creative-flowery-worded article. It has given me a feeling of completeness, that I am able to share my faith with those that i dont even know, using the power of internet. And because i got this itchy hands and twisted-brain who wants to blog wherever and whenever possible, i tried searching for iPhone applications that can allow me to do so. And VOILA! I found one, and this is my first blog using my phone. I love you more now, my iPhone ;).

I liked iPhone because it allows me serve my God better using this. Since I am working and married, therefore the large chunk of my time goes to them. But because of the deep passion in my heart that I have to find quality time and spend extra effort to serve my God, i joined choir, UNTV and our writers' team. The last two teams i joined aim to let God's goodness be spread by capitalizing on the advantages technology can offer. On these three tasks that i choose to be devoted at, my little gadget called iPhone, made my tasks a little bit easier to fulfill. Firstly, because i can load all our choir songs here. I can study our piece anytime, Anywhere. Same goes with my duty as for part of the UNTV team, i can now read emails even if I am not at the comfort of my room (or, sometimes using company computer). And now, no need to bring laptop most of the time, whew! Thats really a relief. And this last "discovery" i had, i can now blog whenever chance got in my way. It makes me feel wonderful! Thanks to new technology. For us all Christians, God gave us all these technologies so we can have wider reach in propagating His words.

By the way, dont get me wrong here. im not endorsing iPhone ;). Other netphones can be used, too. For us, God's children- Let us maximize the use of internet, exploit its capacity to reach people around the globe. Better post things of God rather than putting non-sense chit-chats. Those expensive state-of-the art gadgets-if you are a Christian by deed- must be used to glorify our God. As what our preachers, Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel keeps on reminding us, we are now living in near-ending times. Lets run as fast as we can! Forget things that perish, look at the bigger picture of why we work hard to glorify God- and that is to be with Him in land He Promised to bring Us.

 Happy International Thanksgiving!

09 March 2010

Give Blood. Save Lives. Nurture Christian Living.

Donate blood. It is good for the donor, for the recipient and for fostering Christian life. Blood is the symbolism of life and sharing our precious blood to others is such Godly deed. The feeling we have when we are able to lend a hand to others in any way we can is a very overwhelming experience. Same thing, no issue about the fact that the primary motivation why majority donate blood is the awe-inspiring and overjoyed emotion of being able to save someone else’s life. And saving a life is a big heck of a help, actually! As Christians, if we do have the capacity and qualifications, we are obliged to help others the soonest, as being said in Proverbs 3:28 “Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.” We only need to grant an hour of our valuable time to queue to any blood donation drive booth or go straight to blood banks. As followers of Christ, let us serve God by doing as how Jesus showed His faith to our Father. As it was written in 1 Job 3:16 "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."

Aside from spiritual nourishments Christians can achieve, donating blood is one manner of serving others that will not cause any trouble to donors but instead, it gives health profits. First, it reduces risks of having heart problems and cancer. Excess iron build up in our body can stimulate development of free radicals. These free radicals are the culprits of damage in cells and tissues, and also connected with other illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. For red-meat lovers, the risk of iron overdose is much higher. For men and post-menopausal women, this is also possible to be more of a problem. Above and beyond, donating blood burns excess calories and reduces cholesterol level. After giving off blood, blood cell count in the body is lowered. Thus, it refreshes the body system by stimulating the reproduction of new blood cells. When we take note of the benefits donating blood can offer, plus giving happiness to those who are in need, nothing to lose but only gain. I have searched on disadvantages but i fail to find one. There are some who declare minor disadvantage, like experiencing blood pressure drop because of hypovolemia, or may experience light-headedness or mild nausea for a very short time. But analyzing the pros compared to cons, cons are not really insignificant and may not be considered as “disadvantage” but just temporary after-effect. If we look at the bigger picture, this is a win-win for donor and recipient.

I suppose that some have not tried donating blood yet. Firstly, maybe it never got into their thoughts because their minds are preoccupied with too many things(as a matter of fact, it happened to me before). One more thing is because, they are afraid of the idea of poking needles in their arms. Well, for those who are having a second thought, reconsider giving your blood to the needy. Fear is just a state of mind, a heart longing to extend help will surmount this fear.

Giving is a noble thing and Christians are cheerful givers, and mainly, cheerful followers of God. As it is commanded by the Lord in Marcus 12:30-31, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Donating our blood is one big expression of love for others. And we can never tell, our friends and loved-ones can be the next person that will need blood.In donating blood, we don’t just help others, we save lives, and we nurture Christian living.Lets us not get tired of doing good. No good thing has ever bear bad outcome.

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